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General Informatión
In order to comply with the provisions of the Law 34/2002, of July 11, for the services of the Society of Information and Electronic Commerce, follows shows the general information for this website:

  • Owner: Celesur Sistemas de Impermeabilización, S.L.
  • Postal Address: C/ Francisco Tormo de Haro, 18, entlo. D, 03300, Orihuela (Alicante)
  • Contact: celesur@celesur.com or 96 674 03 44
  • Registration Information: Registro Mercantil de Alicante, Tomo 1.771, Folio 130, Hoja nº A-30.589, Inscripción 1.
  • CIF: B-03984192

I.- Users;
By accessing and/or using the portal in the person involved, in the condition of user, thus accepting, from that moment, fully and without reservation, these Conditions as well as the Particular Conditions that, if any, supplement, modify or substitute the General Conditions in relation to certain services and content of the website.

II.- Use of the website, its services and content;
The user agrees to use the Website and its services and contents without infringing current legislation, good faith, generally accepted customs and public order. Also, it is forbidden to use the website illegally or harmful to CELESUR, or any third party, or in any way that could damage or impede the normal operation of the Web.
Regarding the content (information, text, graphics, sound files and/or images, photographs, designs, etc.), prohibits:

  • Reproduction, distribution or modification, unless you have permission from their rightful owners or legislation.
  • Any violation of the rights of CELESUR, or their rightful owners thereof.
  • Its use for all, commercial or advertising purposes, other than those strictly permitted.
  • Any attempt to obtain the contents of the website by any means other than those available to users as well as those usually used on the network, provided they do not cause any harm to CELESUR.

III.- Users responsibility for damages and disadvantage;
The use of the Web will be under the sole responsibility of the user. This responsibility includes he use by the user or any third party, any passwords or similar codes assigned for accessing the website or any of its services.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, CELESUR reserves the right to refuse at any time, without prior notice, access to the Web to those users who violate these general or particular conditions in each case that apply.

IV.- Unilateral modification;
CELESUR may unilaterally change without notice, whenever it deems appropriate, the structure and design of the Web, as well as modify or remove the services, contents and conditions of access and/or use of the Web.

V.- Hyperlinks;

Persons or entities who intend to conduct or make a hyperlink from one web site in another web site, from any of CELESUR’s portal pages should abide by the following conditions:

  • No Reproduction is permitted, in whole or part of any services or content’s offered by CELESUR without our express permission, - that means, no deep-links, or IMG, or image links, or frames with CELESUR’s portal pages.
  • Do not include any false, inaccurate or incorrect statements regarding pages on CELESUR’s portal or its services or contents. Except for those signs that are part of the "hyperlink" web page which are not containing any trademark, trade name, label, name, logo, slogan or other distinctive signs belonging to CELESUR, unless authorized by it.
  • The establishment of an "hyperlink" does not imply the relationship exists between CELESUR and the owner of the website or portal from which it is made, nor CELESUR`s knowledge and acceptance of services and content offered on the portal.
  • CELESUR is not responsible for the contents or services made available on the website or portal from which they perform the "hyperlink" or the information and statements included therein.
  • Cny "hyperlink" to CELESUR`s portal will be to the homepage or main pages of the sections it contains.

CELESUR’s portal offers users connections and links to other websites operated and controlled by third parties. These links have the sole function of facilitating users to search for information, content and services on the Internet, but in no case can be regarded as a suggestion, recommendation or invitation to visit them.
CELESUR does not sell, manage, and control previously, nor does own the content, services, information and data available from such websites. CELESUR does not assume any responsibility, either indirectly or indirectly, for any damages or disadvantages of any kind arising out of the access, maintenance, use, quality, legality, reliability and usefulness of the content, information, communications, opinions , events, products and services found or offered on web sites not managed by CELESUR and that are accessible through the portal from CELESUR.

VI.- Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility;
CELESUR does not warrant, nor is responsible in any circumstances for damages and disadvantages of any kind that may result from:

  • The lack of availability, maintenance and operation of the Website and / or its services or contents.
  • The lack of usefulness, suitability or validity of the website and/or its services or content to meet the needs, activities or specific results or expectations of users.
  • The existence of viruses or the malicious or harmful content.
  • The receipt, acquisition, storage, distribution or transmission by users of the content.
  • The illicit, negligent, fraudulent or contrary to these General Conditions, good faith, generally accepted uses or public order, the website, its services or contents by the users.
  • The lack of legality, quality, reliability, usability and availability of services provided by third parties and made available to users on the Web.
  • Failure by third parties of their obligations or commitments in connection with the services provided to users through the Web.

VII.- Duration;
The length of service of the Website and the services are indefinite. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CELESUR reserves the right to interrupt, suspend or terminate the service of the Website or any of the services included, on the same terms set out in the third condition.

VIII.- Intellectual Property;
In order to preserve the possible intellectual of property rights in the event that any user or third party considers that there has been a violation of their legitimate rights by the introduction of a specific content on the web must notify this circumstance to CELESUR indicating:

  • The personal data of the holder of the rights allegedly infringed. If the claim is submitted by someone other than the person concerned shall indicate on whose behalf it acts.
  • Indication of the content protected by intellectual property rights and its location on the Web.
  • Accreditation of the aforementioned intellectual proprietary rights.
  • Issue an express statement in that the person concerned is responsible for the accuracy of the information given in the notification.

Absolutely forbidden is the reproduction or use without permission of the owner of the trade mark and the corresponding CELESUR’s graphic mark. The legitimacy of the rights of intellectual or industrial property for the contents provided by third parties is the sole responsibility of the same.

IX.- Applicable law and Jurisdiction;
The General Conditions are governed by Spanish law.
CELESUR and the user, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply, subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Orihuela (Spain) for all matters which may arise or actions brought, resulting from the provision of the web service and its services and contents and the interpretation, application, performance or nonperformance of the above. In the event that the user resides outside of Spain, CELESUR and the user, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply, subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Orihuela.

  Storage-water management
  Extractive industry
  Environment and Quality
  Security Controls
  Maintenance service
  Special constructions
  About of Company
  Our philosophy
  Searching on map
  Construction progress